View our latest news and campaignsNational Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day – Wednesday 18th March 2015
Operation Phoenix is running the It’s Not Okay campaign in support of this.
What is child sexual exploitation?
It’s not okay for someone to make or manipulate you into doing sexual things for the benefit or enjoyment of others.
It is a form of sexual abuse and it is against the law.
For example, someone may try and get you to do sexual things by:
• offering you money
• hurting or threatening to hurt you
• humiliating or threatening to humiliate you
• buying you presents
• taking you out to places
• giving you a place to stay
• telling you that they love you
If you have any concerns that a young person you know may be a victim of child sexual exploitation advice is available at The website has details of local specialist teams in your area.
You can also report it to Greater Manchester Police by calling 101 or you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. If someone is in immediate danger, dial 999.
There will also be a Mobile Police Station situated outside the Front of Merseyway Shopping Centre on Saturday 21st March 09.30am – 6.00pm where members of the CSE team, Community Safety and Greater Manchester Police will be giving advice and information.